Sunday, July 16, 2017

Good Ol' Buble

Kesampingkan dulu Despacito, Shape of You, dan Versace on the Floor untuk sejenak. *dipikir-pikir kok tiga-tiganya topik lagunya agak bokep ya? ckck, lagu sekarang (geleng-geleng pala padahal ikut joget)

Eh gw suka kok lagu-lagu itu tapi karena lagu kekinian emang tune-nya joget, dugem lyfe, dan hampir diputer di semua speaker dan channel musik, jadi overrated dan bosen. Jadi, di malam yang mencapai 18 derajat di daerah Dago ini, let's slow down with my all-time favorite; Michael Buble.

Ah, I always fall in love with his voice. He sings effortlessly smooth and touch the heart of my melancholic heart.

I miss this version of Buble. Good old Buble who sings jazz and swing. Not his original songs, of course, because just like this "Dream A Little Dream", most of the songs in Buble's first albums are remakes of old songs. Mungkin karena pertama kali denger lagu-lagu jadul itu dari Buble, jadi versi Buble adalah versi yang terbaik menurut gw, even kalau dibandingin sama penyanyi aslinya.

Kalau gak salah, Buble ini diorbitkan oleh David Foster--yang kemudian mengolah dan mencetak Buble sebagai penyanyi swing. Label itu melekat di sosok Michael Buble until one day, lupa album yang mana dan tahun berapa, Buble tried to crawl out from his image as a jazz/swing singer. He started to write and produce his own song--which is more like a pop, easy-listening song. Alay sih nggak, tapi kok ya Buble versi demikian gak enjoyable lagi--menurut gw tentunya.

Bring me my good ol' Buble. :'(

Tapi rumornya sih, Buble sendiri yang gak pengen dilabel sebagai jazz/swing singer. He tired of it and wanted to make something yang "lebih dia". Jadilah "Haven't Met You Yet" (ini masih enak), "It's A Beautiful Day" (err), dan "Hollywood" (hmm no).

Well, kalo emang itu maunya Buble dan bikin dia enjoy what he's doing ya yaudah. Siape eluuu? Kenal aja kagak. :))))

I'll just sit here and replay all the sweet sweet songs of swingy Buble. <3 font="">
Good night.

#31dayswritingchallenge #day12

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