Sunday, February 15, 2015


As I promised, the next post will be about the early months in Pinteraktif.

Untuk mengingat apa aja yang gue kerjakan saat itu, gue sampe buka agenda yang dipakai waktu tahun 2012. Dan dasar gue orangnya suka nostalgiaan, jadi lucu aja gitu ngeliat jadwal gue saat itu. Ada catatan pesanan baju (yeah, gue dulu sempet jadi reseller baju gitu lewat BB), kerangka buku 'macam-macam makanan fermentasi Indonesia' (projek dengan Bu Pingkan), topik-topik artikel (gue sempet jadi freelance nulis di situs Project C), dan alamat-alamat perusahaan, dari mulai Uniqlo, Group M, Orang Tua (OT), sampe Jakarta Post. And I said to myself, wow I've been through a lot.

Sampai akhirnya ada di agenda mingguan yang tertulis "First Day!" di kolom hari Senin, sebagai pertanda hari pertama kerja di Pinteraktif. Waktu itu atasan menempatkan gue di LPM dengan alasan gue harus belajar dulu tentang multimedia. Maka, jadilah gue mengorek sendiri segala kegiatan di LPM. LPM (Layanan dan Produksi Multimedia) ini kerjaannya merekam perkuliahan, menyediakan ruangan untuk conference dengan universitas lain di luar atau dalam negeri, kadang-kadang membuat video profile untuk fakultas, dan produksi "ITB weekly"; video berita acara mingguan di ITB.

Saat itu selain baca-baca materi tentang teknologi multimedia, gue juga belajar gimana caranya bikin video. Teori produksi video (pra, produksi, post), tipe angle dan shot kamera (medium long shot, medium close up, big close up, dsb), bahkan belajar voice over dan tentu saja belajar Adobe Premiere untuk edit video!

Video pertama yang gue kerjakan adalah ITB Weekly ke-18 yang footage-nya udah ada, tinggal diedit sesuai urutan. Dan karena gue judulnya lagi belajar segala macem, jadinya disuruh nulis beritanya, ngisi suara (voice over) dan mendadak jadi anchor juga. Here it is:

Setelah itu, projek selanjutnya adalah bikin video liputan tentang hal yang menarik untuk jadi berita. Sejalan dengan berita di atas tentang penertiban pedagang kaki lima di sekitar kampus, gue memutuskan untuk meliput pedagang susu murni di gerbang depan. Gue menyusun tulisannya, mewawancarai bapak pedagangnya, voice over, dan edit videonya. Untuk pengambilan gambarnya gue dibantu temen dari LPM, Pino. I think this video was one of the most memorable works I had:

Sok-sok an liputan ala Metro TV gitu ceritanya, hihi. Sampai kemarin gue beli lumpia basah (terekam juga di video, depannya gerobak susu murni), Pak Mujahidin ini masih aja setia jualan in the exact spot. Kadang gue suka malu aja gitu, ini Pak Mujahidin masih inget gue nggak ya? Terus gimana kalau dia inget dan nanyain videonya udah berdampak apa buat masyarakat? Haha lebay. Sukses terus aja deh Pak. I really hope he can make the best of his children's education. :)

Beres video itu, gue diarahkan untuk mulai belajar dan presentasi tentang learning; e-learning, blended learning, rapid learning (authoring tools also), dan adult learning. Not so much interesting to tell you about them, though :p.

Rencana probation yang 3 bulan akhirnya jadi 2 bulan karena gue keburu ditugaskan untuk ikut meeting dengan klien, dan akhirnya udah join ke projek Pinteraktif. Meeting pertama gue waktu itu adalah untuk projek CSR Bank Permata. Gue selalu merasa kata "meeting ketemu klien" itu terdengar keren, apalagi di kantor besar kaya Bank Permata. Makanya waktu awal-awal sebetulnya gue seneng sih kalau ditugaskan ke Jakarta/Bintaro. Sekarang sih amit-amit. ya Tuhan, mending gue sakit deh daripada harus menempuh 8 jam Jakarta-Bandung dan dibego-begoin sama klien.

Tapi projek CSR ini termasuk yang menyenangkan sih. So, I'll tell you in the next post yaaa.


Friday, February 6, 2015

What Happened Two Years Ago

Hi there :)

So I enrolled--again--in IELTS Preparation Class at EEP. It's been about two weeks and I enjoy it, as usual, join an English course is always exciting thing to do. EEP has moved from Dago to Diponegoro since last year so it is a new place for me. And also apparently they have some new teacher members, so I've been taught by 5 teachers until now, including Agung and Jim--my teachers when I took the IELTS class two years ago.

Last night I had Jim as the teacher and in the end of the class, Jim asked, "So, Hawa, what's new?". And I was like, "Hey, you still remember me! Well.."

So I told Jim that I'm planning to take the test on March 14 and we talked about the part (writing!) that I need to do some extra practices. But then Jim's question is like a reminder to me, as if this blog also asks the same question about how life has brought me for the last two years.

I checked my entry blog and realized that I haven't written anything about my job. I don't know why, maybe it was because I didn't have much time or I didn't want to brag about it (what should I brag about by the way? :p).

I've worked for Pinteraktif Media since 2012 as an Instructional Designer. (There! There should answer all the questions! No?)

It started when a friend of mine offered a job as writer in Koran Kampus in the late 2011. I rejected the offer because I wanted to find another job options and I actually I wanted to stay away from any obligations for a while :p. I also searched some information about scholarships and master stuff (hence the IELTS test), then there was the LondonMet incident, and so on. I was actually torn between "do master" and "get a job". But after a year without any fruitful attempt, I asked my friend who offered me the Koran Kampus job.

He then referred me to contact the admin of Pinteraktif, because somehow the Koran Kampus "has changed" into Pinteraktif, and because he didn't work at it anymore. So I called and they offered me to be a freelance scriptwriter. After went through some sort of test, I was accepted and be given task to write 3 scripts for 3 e-learning contents. What I liked about it was I wrote the script that resembles a movie script. I've always love all about movies, so when it has something to do, especially, with writing, I was very pleased.

So after 3 months, I was thinking to continue my work permanently in Pinteraktif. In the same time, they were also searching for people to be an instructional designer. Then I was asked to be one and as a unemployment, I gladly accepted (of course they interviewed me before). Voila! I'm an instructional designer until now.

I knew nothing about it honestly, but then I thought to give it a try. That was December 10, 2012, I was officially became Pinteraktif employee. I was squealing inside when I saw my formal Pinteraktif email, haha weird, but I actually fond of that kind of identity. I was scheduled to have a 3-months probation phase before given the real instructional designer job. So I worked 8-5 at LPM ITB (originally Pinteraktif founders were LPM ITB members so they were like sister-company or something, but due to some events, the two institutions are now independent on their own), learned and did some multimedia work.

So that was the beginning of my journey in Pinteraktif. Lots of things happened, of course, and I think I better tell ya more in the next post. ;)

Anak polos tanpa riasan baru Pinteraktif
