Thursday, May 19, 2016

Up & Up

Me, casually scrolling my Facebook timeline with a bored face and found this (shared) video. And I was like, woah:

Coldplay's music videos are always bizarre and beyond ordinary. There's always a story in each video. Dan pesan yang pertama kali terlintas adalah: realitas adalah sebuah ilusi.

Di video klip ini, mereka mengacak bentuk realitas yang selama ini kita ketahui. Seekor paus besar melayang di langit dan kepak burung elang melambai di bawah lautan. Kapal pesiar yang ukurannya mengintimidasi diibaratkan mainan yang panjangnya tak melebihi sebuah bathtub.

Kadang kita tak sadar ada persepsi yang berbeda dari sudut pandang yang tak biasa. Kita seakan tak pernah betul-betul paham seberapa besar dan seberapa kecil suatu hal. Ledakan bintang yang menyemburat memiliki urat warna yang sama seperti iris mata manusia.

As my friends and I always say it jokingly (because it's so deep that we have to joke it otherwise we'll be drown :p):

Kosong adalah isi. Isi adalah kosong.
Besar adalah kecil. Kecil adalah besar.
Jauh adalah dekat. Dekat adalah jauh.

At the end, the song goes:
Fixing up a car to drive in it again
When you're in pain, when you think you've had enough
Don't ever give up
Don't ever give up

Believe in love

Deal with life, bruh.


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Don't Ever Fall In Love With Me

"Don't ever fall in love with me."

"You're late for four years."

"It's going to be weird. And loving me will only hurt you."

"Because you can't love me back? I know. But I can't stop. I'm sorry."

"You deserve better."

"Don't say that. If you want to go, go. If you fall for a girl, go for it. And when it comes, I will suffer in silence. Weep 'til I sleep. And probably live my life as usual the day after tomorrow, although it will never be the same. I don't even know whether it's love or not. I adore you, you inspire me in many things. Maybe I got so inspired that I put my expectation on you. Thinking that we'll make a great partnership in life. Again, I'm sorry. Please be safe, and be happy. I think this my time to say goodbye. To you. To my feeling towards you."