Monday, April 13, 2015

Healing A Wound

Everybody has a scar.

Some prefer to hide it. Some write it into a cheesy poem. Some sing it. Some heal it with pray and happiness. Any way, we are walking pass each other without knowing the real struggle inside.

We are all imperfect. Smile over the pain. Live over the tears.

I wrote it 3 days ago in the morning at office. Feel a bit broken-hearted back then, haha well not really about "love", but yes a bit broken. My self-esteem somewhat dropped at that time. You know, the time when you feel vulnerable and unwanted.

But then I realized that everybody might be feel the same way, with a different issue.. that everybody is struggling inside, hiding the pain with smile and laughter.

I do that recently. There is a chaos in my mind (probably due to the woman jumbled-boxes-mind thing that I wrote on the previous post :p), a battle to categorize and finish every tasks. Sometimes I feel so alone and broken. But life goes on, I have to function as human, means I have to do daily routine, I have to socialise, I have to do this and that. And some of the things that bumped to me along the days, weeks, and months can lift and cheer me up--which is nice. :)

So, Hawa, you may be feel bitter in the morning (or night, depend on the event :p), but eventually you will feel better.

It is true the stimuli of both physical and emotional pain is processed in the same way in the brain. Basically our brain cannot distinguish which wound is physical and emotional because both are coded in one language: "hurt". What I'm trying to say that an emotional pain is like a physical damage, that finally recovered as the time goes.

Well.. that's what life all about, eh? :)

Oh iya, satu lagi, hampir lupa. Karena tadi pagi juga felt miserable about moving on (oh God no, it's not about my break up) and then my best friends from Hayang Nyingkah United comforted me with these golden words:

Kalo kata Veness: "Yakin aja sama apa yang udah dipilih. Soalnya mau milih mana juga pasti ada resikonya."

Kalo kata Mei: "Yang tidak mudah dari N salah satunya memang ini, tapi untuk itulah kita bikin U, biar sama-sama menguatkan dan H kita akhirnya tercapai."

Yes, Hayang Nyingkah United (HNU) is a Whatsapp group. Dibuat karena kami bertiga memiliki visi misi yang sama (you Sundanese probably can guess it easily :p). Sori advice-nya Mei emang rada decoded hahaha, typical Mei. :))


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Similar Happy Tunes


Katanya kalo lagi in bad mood, salah satu cara untuk nyembuhinnya adalah dengan dengerin lagu. Well, karena kemarin zumba my instructor put a good music in it, so I want to share it with you. Ternyata lagu yang tunes-nya happy itu adalah Dear Future Husband-nya Meghan Trainor.

Despite its sexism controversy, but still it's a catchy tunes. And speaking of tunes, apparently this song is strongly similar with Dance With Me Tonight by Olly Murs. So that's adding the controversy as well. Haha, really, people, just calm down. Trainor is not fully copying, by the way.

Daaaan ternyata, katanya lagu ini pun ngejiplak lagu jadul yang judulnya Runaround Sue yang dinyanyiin penyanyi jadul tahun 60-an, Dion:

Lol, this is interesting. I don't care about the copyright thing. All I know is just the happy tunes that these songs have. You have to admit that you can dance cheerfully to these beats. Yeah!


Thursday, April 2, 2015


Hey, you.

I don't know exactly how I feel. I don't understand how am I supposed to feel.
The Brain wants me to get rid of you because, come on let's face it, it's illogical to keep something that as thin as a mist. One blow should be enough to make it disappear.

"But it's there.. it's exist," whispers the Heart. Or emotion. Or ego. Or just satan that continuously wishes me to keep doing the things that actually destroy my faith.

It is said that "you should never feel sorry for your feeling", but it's just inappropriate and I want you to have my apology for having an occupied mind with nonsense thoughts.

Can't you just leave?
Can't you just stay?
Please don't be in between.

"That is yours to decide, actually.." says the Heart.

"It's just a satisfaction. Don't blame yourself for that. You may mistaken it as romantic feeling, but it's not."

"You will be alright. Everything will be fine."

The wise and tender Heart shows a mercy this time. The logical Brain completely agrees.