Monday, March 12, 2018

Merasa Penting itu Penting

Quick post di sela-sela gelisah karena application deadline just around the corner!

Lagi cari referensi untuk bikin esai lalu stumbled on this writing. I wrote it for Chevening scholarship application in, I dunno, 2015? Lost count. Kalau gak salah waktu itu pertanyaanya kayak "apa arti leadership buat kamu?".

Looking this essay I remembered he asked me one day, what quality did I gain from Pinteraktif, what an added value I have obtained. Waktu itu topik awalnya adalah soal gaji, kemudian dia sih lebih emphasize di value aja ketimbang duit. I answered something about leadership but I didn't recall exactly the detail. Ternyata jawabannya ada di esai ini:

I used to think that the word “leadership” solely means “to lead”. In that case, “leading” implies on bravely standing up for others and taking blames when something goes wrong. Perhaps that was the reason I never wanted to become a leader. It seemed all responsibilities will be on me. However, as I grew up and experienced challenges, I figured out that leadership values are not only built on responsibility but also other important qualities such as communication, strategy, teamwork, passion, and integrity.

It came to a realization that I have been applying these values throughout the three years of my professional life. As an instructional designer, I created a learning framework which was then discussed with clients who were experts on the learning subject. Inevitably, disagreements occurred at some points. To get it off the table, I objectively reminded the initial goal so that a consensus can eventually be reached. Similar communication strategy was relevant to internal team as well. In order to perform smooth teamwork, I made different approaches for every unit so they got clear instruction on what to do.

Beyond my job routine, I have also been engaging in a city project. The project requires a content team to transform mundane data sheet into interactive displays. I have a significant role in the team by designing a workflow content production. This is important because it is used to point out timeline and output. To contribute in a city project is surely not a minor duty. I challenged myself to join because I knew the project involves public engagement which I passionate about. Involved in both occupations also strengthen my integrity that without which any activities would be meaningless.
I now understand that although leadership requires a lot of work, it is rewarding. Leadership is not all about being in the front but it is more about creating positive influence driven by passion.

Good ol' times. :p

It leads me to think that somehow I was happier and more fulfilled back then. Aku bukannya gak bersyukur dengan keadaan sekarang sih. The unpleasant events in work are also a blessing which I've been learning from to this day. Proses stretching emang gak enak.

Then it reminds to a conversation I had with Mei couple days ago. Setelah cerita kehidupan masing-masing, sampai lah pada pembicaraan yang disepakati bersama bahwa "merasa penting itu penting". Bukan yang gila hormat dan haus perhatian, tapi menurutku pengakuan dan validasi adalah hal yang manusiawi, sepanjang dalam batas wajar. Ini konsep yang ada dimana-mana, dari bidang pendidikan sampe marketing. Kalau kamu dihargai, kamu akan memberikan lebih. Dan ketika kamu memberi lebih, kamu akan lebih dihargai.

Segitu dulu kontemplasi singkat malam ini.

Itung-itung sharing juga bentuk esai yang diminta kalau daftar-daftar beasiswa, hehe. Kalau ada yang salah silakan koreksi ya.


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