Life update: I'm currently a Master student. HAHA. Like, finally?
Setelah hampir 7 tahun lulus S1, gw pun memutuskan untuk masuk kuliah lagi. And after a long whirlwind love-hate relationship with "nyari beasiswa dan peluang S2 di luar negeri", gw akhirnya balik ke ITB dan ngambil MBA. Wait, what? Why?
As you may know, pursuing a postgraduate study was initially my father's wish and he popped up the idea of MBA major right after I finished my undergrad. Me, "traumatized" with academic activity at that time, was unsure and had no idea about business or management whatsoever. Actually I didn't want to, but I had no better career option as well so I reluctantly nod at the idea but since I doubted it myself I was rather slow (in the application process). My father perceived me as indecisive, and he said to me "gak punya motivasi". I was pretty heartbroken, dan karena soal timeline/deadline yang kelewat juga akhirnya gak daftar.
Life choices then led me to two companies yang secara "kebetulan" menjadikan gw terlibat dalam dunia produksi konten dan a lil bit of marketing. As I mentioned a lot in my previous posts, I found my holy grail: the science communication field. Sebuah perkawinan manis antara my undergrad study dengan work experience. Tapi scicomm gak ada di Indonesia, adanya di luar negeri. Mulailah drama "nyari beasiswa dan peluang S2 di luar negeri". Karena gw nyari scicomm aja berdasarkan riset
Gw pun lalu melihat MBA sebagai "jalan alternatif". Berdasarkan cocoklogi, gw harusnya bisa belajar soal bisnis dan manajemen untuk kemudian menjadikan scicomm gak sekedar "bikin konten edukasi yang menarik" tapi juga gimana caranya ngejual scicomm itu sendiri. Ngga tahu nyambung apa ngga, at least that's what I believe and I need to hold on to that faith if I want to survive :)))). Eh tapi serius sih. Terlebih gw agak lebih pede sekarang (ketimbang pas baru lulus S1) untuk masuk ke bidang ini karena gw setidaknya udah melek soal perusahaan dan marketing.
Alasan dangkalnya: yang penting S2 biar "hutang moral" gw lunas. :))
Yeah so that's why.
Another sharp statement my father said that I remember was "5 years is too long to decide what major you should pursue". For a fainted-heart person like me, it was a punch in the face. You know, type of pain that you don't scream it out and lingers inside instead.
Jadi, apakah gw telat untuk kembali jadi mahasiswa?
Telat is also something else that bothers me which brings us to the second topic. Should I separate my blabbing into another part? Hmm I think I should. Okay, see you on the next post!
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