Sunday, October 2, 2011

Back From Hiatus

Oooooh, it's been ages since my last post. Things happen. A lot.
Where should I start? My hijab style now is ciputless, well I changed the style before I left this blog actually, but I haven't told you, right? Okay, the more important thing is... *drum roll*

Oh yeah, baby! Gue telah melaksanakan sidang akhir hari Rabu kemarin (28/9) dan dinyatakan lulus. Best feeling ever! Gimana engga, secara resmi, gue telah selesai melewati kuliah selama 4 tahun ini. Melewati semua yang namanya UTS, UAS, tugas-tugas, praktikum, laporan, jurnal, etc etc. Oh God, I feel so grateful. Thank you so much for make it happen.

Memang masih banyak sih yang harus diselesein sebelum bener-bener dilepas menjadi alumni ITB (cmiiiw!). First thing first, skripsi masih harus direvisi. Gue belum buka lagi skripsi setelah keluar dari ruang sidang. Haha, sori--masih pengen ngerasa bebas dulu sebentar setelah sebulan ini penuh dengan kerja keras dan pikiran yang terbebani. Abis skripsi dijilid, masih harus ngurusin syarat wisuda yang daftarnya ga pendek itu. Foto resmi, tanda tangan semua kepala lab, surat tanda bebas pinjaman, nyuci dan balikin alat, sort of.

But, it feels good to be back here, writing on my blog. It's always a pleasure. I want make this transition time is the time where I can find my passion, semacam pencarian sebenernya gue itu enjoy ngelakuin apa. Mengingat bahwa academic obligation tinggal sedikit, seharusnya gue bisa menemukan dan menghasilkan sesuatu sampai hari wisuda. :)

Oh, and the other news is.. I have a new obsession. His name's Benedict Cumberbatch. Ohh, just speak his name makes my knees weak. He's a British actor who plays as Sherlock Holmes in 'Sherlock' series on BBC. Yeah, it's less known than popular series like HIMYM since it only has three episodes each season. But, the three of them is BRILLIANT. I just love everything: the plot, the dialogues, the character, the location, the soundtrack. Plus Benedict Cumberbatch in it? Faint. I'll tell you later about this guy. Personally, he needs some special section to discuss, hihi. You can simply click the link for general information (no emotionally involved).

Okay, now the night's wind is blowing. Time to get some sleep. ;)


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