Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Hello! Four days not post anything? Oh, what a terrible shame.

I don't know, I have the emptiest days recently. I mean, my life is not as bad as not taking a bath for weeks, attempting suicide by drinking Baygon, or so. I just feel empty. I have no occupation. I just wake up (at 10 am) and think what should I do today? Then end a day doing nothing but tumblr-ing. Oh speaking of which, I have a Tumblelog now, tee-hee. Simply just click it to find out ;)

I don't have any activity right now, except for my IELTS course, which is only 4,5 hours a week. Well, yeaaah... actually I know what people may say about this. Forgive me, it is just me... being wrong.


Excuse me, my feelings are spattering away. I should go and catch them. Bye!


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