Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Tree of Life

Just watched The Tree of Life.
I don't get it.


Seriously, Terrence Malick, what are you getting at? I'm sorry, but I'm an average people who can't bear such an art. Gue tahu kalau film ini dinominasikan bahkan menang di berbagai award-award perfilman. Seharusnya itu menjadi sebuah pertanda, bahwa selain mungkin filmnya memang bagus (untuk bisa dicerna orang) atau memang sangat artistik (that only pleased the jury and high-level filmmakers). Gue pernah nonton satu film yang pernah menang Oscar tahun berapa gitu, lupa. Judulnya menarik, settingnya jadul, dan pas beli DVD-nya pun gue berasa gaya karena nonton film intelek. Tapi akhirnya gue terkapar kebosanan di depan TV.

I should have known before I watched this movie. Film ini termasuk "film aneh" yang mengedepankan sinematografi unik dan ga biasa, dialognya dikit, puitis dan ga nyambung, juga cerita super twisted yang bikin kepala literally pusing. Gue cukup sabar dari menit ke menit, nunggu siapa tahu ada penjelasan yang mencerahkan seluruh adegan aneh itu. Tapi ternyata nggak ada apa-apa bahkan sampai filmnya beres. Yang ada gue capek sendiri abis nonton itu, durasinya 2 jam sih tapi berasa 10 jam walaupun udah mencet fast forward 4x di beberapa scene.

Nevertheless, I do appreciate those who create the movie. Clearly, even it was boring, but it's not a rubbish movie. It is a good movie, in fact, brilliant--in the art way. I'm not going to tell you the story because it will make me dizzy again. The point is, this movie is about family and faith. How each of family member express their emotions, questioning God, and connect dots.

I searched explanations and reviews from the internet and finally I can find one thing I like from this movie. That is:

When Mrs. O'Brien asked God; "Where were You when we needed You the most?" then Malick's lens brought us to a formation of the universe. And also the final scene that, I don't know, looked like The End of The Days, it's like a place where people brought there together to go to heaven, one called it "Padang Mahsyar".
This makes me think that we are extremely tiny compare to all that God has. Our problem, our everything, compare to a gigantic nebula, white dwarf, mountain lava, water falls... we are nothing more than a dust. 
This is why people also think it's a religious movie. Yes, I think it does ring a bell of our faith.

This is the trailer:

Okay, that's all. Oh, and that Martin Freeman gif is from this. He is adorable, isn't he? Kitten rage :)))))


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