Wednesday, January 25, 2012

History Rules!

Something has just hit my mind this morning.

While I was surfing the internet, looking for scholarship informations, my sister approached me and asked, (partly joked because she was playing with Aisya at that moment),

Sister: "Onti mau kemana sih?"
Me: "Onti mau ke Inggris dong, dadaaah."
Sister: "Kenapa mau ke Inggris? Kalo kita negara persemakmurannya mah gampang (beasiswanya). Kan kaya Belanda dan Jepang lebih banyak beasiswa untuk kita karena kita dulu jajahannya."

I stopped look at my laptop monitor and stared my sister, who continued to play with Aisya. Maybe it's a common knowledge for my sister, but it's something new to me. Then I just realized why my sisters got their scholarship from those countries. 

Colonization history! Yes of course! I didn't notice before, I was just like, "well yeah, okay, my sisters went school at Japan and Netherlands. Why don't I go to somewhere else?" without knowing that even to choose a country to study at is strongly related with history. Damn it.

Well, it doesn't mean that Indonesian can't get a scholarship from Britain, does it? My friend is studying master's degree in Manchester right now. She's a proof that Indonesian can study in England, not just citizens from its commonwealth. But yes, I have to say, scholarship from Europe especially Netherlands is much more than England has. Lots of Netherlands's scholarships are cover total tuition fees include living costs and even airplane tickets, while England has more bursaries (discounts) than full scholarships.

Yeah, I just want to share this information.
Gotta go, scholarships won't come by itself to my doorstep, right? I have to find it!


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